Better known as LiquidFrogStudios on DeviantArt. Hobbyist artist and entertainer.
I mostly draw fanart & furry girls right now, but I have a bolder ambition of creating my own multimedia franchise, especially video games.

Artist & Developer

Fully Educated!


Joined on 12/30/20

Exp Points:
1,292 / 1,350
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Vote Power:
5.34 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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LiquidFreakStudios's News

Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - October 28th, 2024

Last month, I teased the new indie game I was working on, an expanded version of Whac-a-Mole:

I said then, that I hoped the project would be completed by early October. Well... it's already near the end of October, and still no sight of Liquid's mole game. What gives?!

Well, you see... video game development is very unpredictable, and sometimes we can't always foresee the kinds of problems we may encounter, or know how long they will take to resolve. Needless to say, I encountered a couple of technical problems on this project, mostly relating to the complex CSS animations of the moles popping on and off screen when defeated or not fast enough to strike.

While these issues have since been resolved, the whole development was delayed past my initial estimate. The version of the game for my professoinal porfolio has recently been completed, and is in a very playable state, but I won't give you the link because that may expose my IRL identity. That's why I still need to make the "cringe" version of the game (the version for Newgrounds, slightly altered and expanded, and featuring my own OCs), and while there is not much left to do at this point, I'm not going to have this finished before the end of the month. Or even early November...

In fact, if you didn't know already, I am planning on taking a big stress break from social media starting early next month (more on that in a future News Post). Because of that, my mole game probably won't be available to play on Newgrounds until I return in mid-December.

As the legendary game dev and Nintendo CEO, Satoru Iwata, would have said: "Please Understand!"

Hope you'll still enjoy my game when it does release, it's far more ambitious than my previous game was. You may consider it an early Christmas gift from me!



Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - October 7th, 2024

I just received a message from the Portal Bot. Not to FINALLY tell me my unscoutability was being revoked, or to FINALLY explain why I had been descouted in the first place though!

No, of course not. Just to invite me to a panel of judges to decide on the "Best" artworks of last month:


If my art is not even allowed on the Art Portal, how am I even eligible to vote on the quality of portal artists' works? Why would I take time out of my day to simp for bigger, more popular artists than me who don't "need help getting noticed" (in their words), when I know that I'll NEVER be given the same treatment regardless of how much effort I put into my artworks, all because of this nonsensical, flawed system.

Sorry, but unless I get an apology and assurance that my scoutability will be restored by taking part in this, I'm not interested in sacrificing my valuable time to participate in this panel.


Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - September 25th, 2024

It's a little over a year since I first noticed I had been de-scouted (effectively shadow-banned) from the Newgrounds Art Portal. I never, and to this day, STILL have never received any notification or explanation as to why I was removed from the portal. I only figured it out for myself by looking around in the settings, as per my news post at the time:


My account has no doubt suffered greatly as a result of losing my scouting. For instance, I used to receive hundreds of views on my latest art posts when they were shown on the art portal, whereas nowadays I am lucky to get over 50 views, even with DOUBLE the amount of followers. In nearly 5 years of regularly posting art to this website, I have only 123 followers, whilst my peers on the forum who did NOT lose their scouting have gained hundreds of fans in the same timeframe. For a particuarly egregious comparison, my Twitter account recently reached over 125 followers compared to 123 here, despite only joining at the start of this year! And I have nearly 1.8K watchers on my DeviantArt!

Still, I tholed on, hoping that this de-scouting would just be a temporary setback, and that my artworks would be on the portal again eventually. I read somewhere that becoming unscoutable like me is only lasts for a limited time, and then we can potentially be scouted again. Well... it's been over a year now, so surely that's long enough to wait?!

As far as I know, there's STILL no option for people to scout me, but if you DO see the option to scout me next to my username on my art posts, could you let me know? That would make me feel a lot less hopeless and depressed... otherwise, I'm going to have to work up the courage to ask the staff if they can make me scoutable again. And there's a good chance they'll probably reject my request, because I am not well-liked on this site...

No doubt, this whole scouting system has caused me a lot of psychological damage, and resulted in me having considerably less confidence in my art than I ever used to have. Just as well for Newgrounds that I have no lawyer, eh?!



Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - September 19th, 2024

Much like Newgrounds, I ain't very popular on Twitter. It seems only DeviantArt am I allowed to be semi-popular: everywhere else, I am either hated or ignored for some reason.

I opened a big RAFFLE on my Twitter account recently, to celebrate a pitiful 100 follows (most of whom are bots, but whatever, it's still a milestone). Sadly, only a handful of people joined, and I only gained one new follower who WASN'T a bot! (The whole point of the raffle was to help me grow and become visible there, like everyone else who opens a raffle, but no...)

Would you like to see me potentially draw your character for you for FREE? Well, if you have a Twitter account, just head over to my account here, scroll down a little bit to my raffle, and comment your OC below. Easy, right?! If you don't have an OC, I can draw fanart of a character of your choice. And if you aren't somebody who takes part in raffles yourself, for whatever reason, perhaps you have a friend who might like to take part?


The raffle ends on October 1st, and there will be THREE winners. Given that very few people have taken part, you'll have a very high chance of winning an artwork from me!

As for my 100+ milestone on Newgrounds, I am still planning on celebrating that by opening up for some free request doodles for followers soon, but those will probably be in November. Thanks to this raffle, and Halloween, I'll likely be too busy until then...



Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - August 1st, 2024

Just to let you guys know that, while I do plan on releasing some new art this month, I have recently been suffering from a strange technical problem that severely limits my access to the internet. My WiFi has been exceptionally slow, and frequently I lose connection to the internet altogether. Trying to browse the internet has become something of a nightmare as it is, nevermind trying to download or upload large files! (Indeed, I just spent about 20 frustrating minutes trying to log into Newgrouinds just now...)

Until I manage to resolve this issue, or it somehow resolves itself after the next Windows update (here's hoping!), I fear that I may not be able to contribute much if anything to Newgrounds and similar websites. (Newgrounds especially, given the amount of large alt files and such necessary)



Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - July 1st, 2024

Hey everyone! My stress break from social media is finally over!

Sadly, I didn't manage to get everything I wanted to do while I was gone done. In particular, I didn't find time to check out any new artists on Newgrounds, or DM the staff about potentially fixing the unscoutability issue that's plagued my experience of this site for the past year...

But, I did manage the most important thing: I found some time to relax!

I also completed a couple of new artworks, one of which I intend on sharing here tomorrow. It's the big 100+ followers celebration piece, so you won't wanna miss!

And while I still have a couple more art trades to finish off, once those are done I still plan on opening either a raffle or a forum topic for free doodles for followers!



Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - June 10th, 2024

Once again, I have been feeling very stressed and depressed recently, so I will need to take another short break from social media until July to recover a bit.

Don't worry though, because while I'm away I'll still be working hard on plenty of cool stuff for you all to see when I return, including a special artwork to celebrate the milestone of over 100+ followers! I'm also planning on starting a new thread over on the forum to offer free doodle requests to followers, so hopefully that'll be a good opportunity for me to grow even more, and make some new friends while doing so!

Additionally, I've hidden three exclusive artworks as unlockables within my very first video game project (which I released here last month), that being Fnuzzlee's Cheese and Ham, so if you haven't played that already you might like to give it a go? It's not a long game, and there are many difficulty options to ensure it won't be too stressful for you to unlock those spicy secrets pics! Here's the link:

I won't be posting any new blogs or artworks until I return in July, and I'll be a little less responsive to comments and DMs than usual, but I'll still be around here to a small extent: I want to try and find some time to check out my fans' galleries to see what they've been up to recently, and maybe follow some new people as well.

Finally, while I won't be that active here or on most of my other online accounts, I'll still be posting to my account over on Twitter. This is because I fear that I may lose my account if I am inactive for too long a time (this happened to me once before, for seemingly no reason, and I was lucky to get it back). So, if you want to continue seeing posts from me in June semi-regularly, and want to support me as a creator, I'd certainly appreciate a follow if you have an account over there! Just be warned that all my posts there will be old art reuploads for the time being, until I bring that platform up to date with my DA and NG, but there may still be a few that I didn't post here that you might enjoy seeing for the first time. Here's the link: https://x.com/LiquidFStudios


(Yeah, I'm not very big there yet, lol)



Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - May 28th, 2024

Hey everyone! I DID IT! After two months of hard work, I finally finished my first HTML5 web game and posted it here to Newgrounds! Check it out for yourself here: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/932237


It's called "Fnuzzlee's Cheese & Ham" and stars your favourite fluffy witch, the titular Fnuzzlee! It plays similarly to Noughts & Crosses (aka Tic-Tac-Toe), though it should be a lot more fun because I added some new features to make the gameplay much more engaging.

The game features multiple difficulty options, a Dynamic Difficulty option (Fnuzzlee plays smarter as you keep winning), Cheat mode (Fnuzzlee occasionally places two tiles instead of one), and Multiplayer. Additionally, Fnuzzlee's expression changes throughout the game depending on whether she is winning or losing, and she'll leave up to 85 random humorous (and often rude) comments depending on the situation.

Best of all, there are THREE exclusive, never-before-seen artworks of Fnuzzlee hidden in the game, which you can unlock via password by winning against her! Read the game's description if you want some advice in unlocking those secret pics. I know you'll find these pictures really funny, and one of them is rather thicc and cheeky too (but not sexually explicit or anything, don't worry), so you won't want to miss it!

Please give it a try, it means a lot to me, and I'm sure it will be a lot more fun for you than you think. Also, after you play, I'd like you to give it a fair review (not an overly negative one to try and purge it from the website so nobody can experience it), and some constructive feedback. After all, I am still just a beginner developer...


Btw, while I'm here, I'd like to thank everybody for helping me reach 105 followers! I thought for sure, the minute I hit the 100 mark, it was going to drop way back to 95 or something, and then there'd be no point in me making something to celebrate something I'd already lost... but that's not the case, so I will start working on something special for you guys shortly...

However, I will be taking another (much needed) stress break from social media next month, so I'll probably just be posting one more artwork before I leave for a little while. More on that later, but there are always still the three unlockable artworks of Fnuzzlee in my game for you to enjoy while you are waiting!



Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - May 8th, 2024

At long last, I have finally reached the milestone of 100 followers on Newgrounds! Thanks guys!

This has been my target for the past 4 years or so, ever since I joined way back in New Year of 2021. It's been a long, difficult struggle, and I encountered many road blocks on the way (notably, being descouted from the art portal without possibility of being rescouted, for reasons unknown...), but I finally managed it despite all the cards being stacked against me from ever doing so.

I wouldn't have managed this without the help of all my generous watchers. As a way of showing my thanks, I'll probably do something special like offer some free doodle requests, or maybe a raffle if that's a thing on this site (I haven't seen many, but then again, I might just not be looking in the right places). Of course, I'll probably wait until I have around 105 followers or more before I truly start thinking about this reward, since there's still a high possibility somebomdy might unwatch/deactivate, leaving me with just 99 followers again, so I'll wait until I am DEFINITELY in the 100+ followers range!

So, yeah... currently I'm working on some trades I owe people over on DeviantArt, but I'll definitely be posting something here again before the end of the month (probably something Mermay related), so keep a look out for that! And if you haven't seen her already, Miss Chewbecca here should keep your thirst quenched for the time being, so please enjoy!




Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - March 20th, 2024

I'm back from my little stress break. Yeah, there's nothing I can do about my age, and I think I have come to terms with the fact that maybe I haven't achieved everything I wanted to before that milestone, but it's okay, so long as I don't give up and continue working hard. I'll get there in the end!

So yeah, I've already put out a new artwork for you all to enjoy. This was something I worked pretty hard on, so I don't want you to miss out on it! Be sure to click on the link below so that you see the full picture, and once you've had a look at it, why not give me some feedback or some support if you enjoyed it?

Oh yeah, and I see I'm still at 95 followers. That's nice that it didn't go down like it usually does, but it would be really cool if I could reach 100 before the end of the quarter. If you have any friends who might enjoy my art, why not tell them about me? Perhaps I could make some new friends that way, that would be awesome! I certainly can't grow organically like on other sites, due to still being shadowbanned (aka descouted), and the fact that nobody can see my works on the Art Portal or even if they click on the tags.

Which really sucks... so I would appreciate your help : (
