Better known as LiquidFrogStudios on DeviantArt. Hobbyist artist and entertainer.
I mostly draw fanart & furry girls right now, but I have a bolder ambition of creating my own multimedia franchise, especially video games.

Artist & Developer

Fully Educated!


Joined on 12/30/20

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1,292 / 1,350
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5.34 votes
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LiquidFreakStudios's News

Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - March 4th, 2024

First of all, I'd like to thank all my recent followers for your generosity in watching my content. I'm nearly at 100 followers now, which is crazy to me, since that has been a goal of mine since I joined way back in 2021. When I was unfairly shadow-banned/descouted from the Art Portal last year (still haven't received a single notification about it from the staff to this day), I honestly thought that I no longer had any possible chance of growing on this platform, but you guys all made it possible despite Newgrounds seemingly working against me, so thank you all so much!

I think if/when I do reach 100 followers, I'd like to make a little something special to celebrate the occasion, so look out for that some time soon, hopefully! That and the game I'm planning on releasing shortly...

Before all that though, I'd like to take a week or two in March away from social media if I can, so that'll mean no new uploads until later this month. I know I already took a break like this in January, just a couple of months ago, but I am currently feeling rather stressed and depressed again (I'm turning 30 in a few days, and there's a lot I haven't yet achieved in life; I'm well into my quarter-life crisis right now), so I feel like some time to myself would do me some good.

See you again later this month folks, and if you haven't seen it already, enjoy my latest artworks!




Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - February 12th, 2024


Thank you so much for all the new follows guys. There I was, just a few short days ago, posting a journal about how I was depressed at being stuck at 84 followers forever. Now I'm at 91... That's 7 new people in just the past few days! I never usually receive so many follows: I think this might be the most I've ever received in one week since I joined the website, over 3 years ago now...

Every year since I joined, I've been aiming to finally reach 100 followers, and now it looks my lofty goal is finally in my grasp. I only need another 9 followers now! I ain't there till I'm there though, so I'll continue to provide you with quality art content until that point, and beyond!

To be honest, I don't even know the reason for receiving so many new followers in such a short period of time. My latest artwork didn't do very well, and none of my works have been featured on the front page to my knowledge. I'm still descouted/unscoutable/banned from posting to the art portal as far as I can tell. Perhaps somebody featured me somewhere in a website outside of Newgrounds...?

Whatever the case, I am most grateful for your generosity, all of you. You are helping to take me one step further to achieving my dreams!

Thank you! ; D



Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - February 7th, 2024

Hi everybody, I'm back from my stress break! : D

Two new followers, two followers gone, stuck at 84 forever... funny how that keeps happening, eh Newgrounds staff?

Sorry if you missed me (my watchers anyway... I know nobody else would miss me because they have no idea I exist yet), I have a few artworks planned for this month, which I hope you'll enjoy! Here's the first one:

Also, I opened up a new TWITTER account recently, so if you have Twitter/X account, feel free me to follow me there and I will be most grateful!


I had a lot of trouble setting up his account during my break. First I was suspended for no reason, then I got my account back but I was shadow banned... I'm taking a break from interacting with my account there for a couple of weeks to see if that helps resolve the shadow ban, since I read somewhere that this works. Fingers crossed!

Because of all that stress, I may need another short break during the first week of March, heh heh!


Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - January 19th, 2024

Sorry guys, forgot to tell you all that I'm having a stress-break from social media until February 1st, so I won't be posting any new drawings until then. I'm still working on artworks though, you'll see them soon enough!

i'm also working on setting up a new account on a certain other social media website... I'll tell you more about that when I return, but that's fairly low stress atm due to nobody knowing I exist there yet, lol



Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - December 28th, 2023

Hi everyone! Hope you all had a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and I wish you all the best for the New Year!

Speaking of wishes... my Newgrounds Christmas wish this year is to FINALLY have a single one of the artworks I pour so many hours of my free time into be FEATURED on the front page of this website!

Hey, I'm not ASKING you to suggest one of my artworks! But... it would be awesome if it happened at some point, if not before the year ends, then some time next year. It would really make my day, and remotivate me after a long period of feeling down after having lost my scoutship with the artportal.

Or heck, have my scoutability restored, I'd be happy with that too! I'll admit, I don't even click on the artworks featured at the bottom of the page anymore... it just makes me feel bitter and depressed about how these people (often already big artists) get free promotion here, whilst people like me who work just as hard have the whole system rigged against us having any of our works reaching the people on this site who may be interested...

And I don't like feeling so angry, these people didn't do anything wrong. I don't want to feel depressed when browsing Newgrounds, I want to feel inspired. I feel like that part of the Newgrounds experience was stolen from me the day I discovered I'd been shadow-banned from the art portal...

Anyway, I'm rambling again... Newgrounds has certainly had an effect on my mental healtth. Many of you probably don't even know what I'm talking about. If you don't know what featured artworks are, or where the front page is, be sure to check out the tutorial I wrote in my last blog post.

Hopefully 2024 will go better, and hopefully I'll FINALLY make it to 100 followers!



Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - December 21st, 2023

Hello everyone? Those few of you that ever read my posts? Today, I'm going to teach you how to suggest artworks to be featured on Newgrounds front page, and finally gain the exposure and support they deserve!

Not that I'm talking from experience... I've never been fortunate enough to have an artwork featured, and probably never will... But for a long time I wondered how the whole system of choosing which artworks to be featured works, and so one day (a couple of months ago) I decided to do some research, and voila, I found out! And now I'd like to share this knowledge to those many of you who are likely still wondering.

So yeah, ever clicked on an artwork on Newgrounds, and scrolled down past the bottom of the comments section to see those artworks on the footer of the page? Sure you have, those are the only artworks anybody ever sees on this site, due to its lack of an algorithm feature! Those are the featured "front paged" artworks, so called because they also appear on the front page of Newgrounds, though nobody ever visits that page. (Why on Earth would you?) Having an artwork featured is the holy grail of visibility in this labyrith of a platform, and might be the first step to finally obtaining a following here.

Those artworks are suggested by other users of Newgrounds (you might need to be a member of the Art Portal, aka scouted, though I'm not sure), on a very specific forum thread. If you visit the Art forum, you'll find a topic titled "Art Front Page Suggestion Thread". You'll know it's the right place when you see that the topic was started by none other than Tom Fulp, the creator of this hellhole we call Newgrounds!

You can have a look at this forum thread to get a feel for how people suggest artworks to the Art Portal staff. Once you have an idea for an artwork you'd like to see potentially featured, be sure to suggest it here! Use the "Respond to this topic" button in the top right corner to format and fill your post with the artworks you want to suggest, then click "Post reply" when you're done.

Bear in mind, however, there are some written and unwritten rules regarding what submissions may be accepted and what will be rejected. Let's start with the written rules. First, and most importantly, you may not suggest your own artworks to be featured. (I know this rule is extremely dumb and inconvenient for most of us, but rules are rules, you can't ignore them.) You may also not organise others to suggest your art, so if you want one of your friend's artworks to be featured, do so because you like it, not because they told you to suggest if for them.

The unwritten rules relate to what kind of artworks suggested actually get featured. You see, the Art Portal staff members who decide which suggestions have the honour of being featured on the front page have quite a specific taste of art style and content, which you must appease if you want any hope of your suggestion being featured. Firstly, make sure the artwork in question is not A-rated, those NEVER get featured on the front page, for obvious reasons... actually, the closer to an E-rating the artwork is, the more likely it is to be featured, so when choosing an artwork to suggest, I would advise picking something family friendly. M-rated artworks are occasionally approved for being front-paged, but only if they feature violence or swearing; if they are M-rated because they are sexy, that's a no-no.

Secondly, make sure the subject matter of your artwork is "normie-friendly". What do I mean by that? I mean, don't suggest some cutesy furry girl with thick thighs doing a kawaii pose, the staff will hate that. Sure, the big artists with thousands of followers can get away with having those kinds of artworks featured on the occasion, but not the little guys like you and me (we don't bring in nearly so much web traffic). That's weird, and Newgrounds wants to be safe and boring because that's better for their brand as a website. Instead, suggest a fanart of a popular character from a video game or something, especially a recent fad. Bonus points for suggesting an artwork of Friday Night Funkin', Madness Project, or any other of the Newgrounds associated characters: the staff will LOVE that, and be doubly likely to feature it!

Thirdly... just be lucky. There's no real telling what the staff will reject and what they'll accept. It has nothing to do with any objective quality standards (especially considering what kind of drawings they've accepted in the past...), and a lot more to do with what the particular staff who reviews your suggestion likes, and how they were feeling on that particular day. I certianly wouldn't suggest spamming the same suggestion over and over in order for it to be approved, I'm sure that wouldn't go down well. Just accept their decision to reject it, and maybe come back in a few weeks with another suggestion, and hope whoever it is will be a little more accepting next time around.

That's all the advice I have to give. Like I said, I've never actually had any of my artworks suggested (in the 3 bloomin' years I've been on this website...), let alone front-paged, so I'm only going by what I've read and what I can make out for myself. If you have any more questions, be sure to let me know, and if you've ever had any artworks of your own suggested or front-paged, feel free to tell me about it in the comments below?



Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - December 18th, 2023

Mine's Renamon!


That said, I've never actually WATCHED Digimon... (Yet!)

But hips don't lie.

So, which Digimon is your favourite? Let me know in the comment below!



Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - December 4th, 2023



I dunno, lol



Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - November 22nd, 2023

I always spend a lot of time selecting the most important and relevant tags for my artworks when posting them to this site. I always use the maximum number of tags.

But I've been thinking... considering that this site has no algorithm to speak of...do tags even matter? Does anybody actually click on a tag in order to see artworks under that tag?

If so, then they are in for a little surprise...



Posted by LiquidFreakStudios - October 24th, 2023

Just a reminder, for those who are new to the site who are struggling to have their artworks noticed because they are unscouted, that I am completely unable to help you. Even if I really like your artworks and think that more people deserve to see them, I cannot help you.

You see, ever since Newgrounds (silently) descouted me, I no longer have the ability to scout other artists to help them gain recognition. I also currently lack the ability to be scouted myself, unlike other unscouted artists: I intend to query the staff about this at some point, but as far as I can gather, I'm basically a second-class citizen as far as this website is concerned, and I may not scout or be scouted until some unspecified date/event that has never been made clear to me.

All because, most likely, the guy who scouted me was descouted, causing a chain effect of descouting. Such a stupid system IMO...
