Let me guess... Nut is the squirrel?
Let me guess... Nut is the squirrel?
yeah xd
I want to say that, for just 13 years old, you are INSANELY talented at drawing! Keep up the good work! : D
Thank you! I’m glad these experiments have been working :)
You have a ton of characters, and they are all so cute!
Thanks for the feedback! I don’t get much attention for my content, so any response means a lot to me!
If I had morr fans, I would love to show way more of my characters and other things I draw, but I don’t since my content is a rabbit hole and I don’t want to over complicate anything for new fans.
The aliens have arrived! And somehow, I don't feel scared...
Luckily she only wants to visit earth for their pizza and lava lamps.
Adorable! : 3
I'm from Scotland too, though I can't have Haggis. It's just too spicy for me! o_O Great for hugs though!
Oh thats so cool! Not the inability to have haggis but being Scottish! not having haggis is a bit sad but also it's usually a treat for me because my body does not always react well to it.
Whoa! o_O How did you draw all that, full colour and shading and all, in under one hour?!
I still have much to learn...
It was actually really impresive for what i'm used to do, normally my artworks take like 5+ hours to make, but since i'm very lazy i finish them in a few days, in the shading i just took the colour layer and duplicate it then change its colour, and just erased the light parts, that's a technique(?) i used to use a lot in the past but is not that accurate
It's just a bit of wine.
He'll be fine!
He just needs some icewater..
Awesome character design! Is it someone's OC?
Yes!, @ThatsMelvin (both on newgrounds and twitter) made her.
Yay! Nice to see you uploading your latest stuff on Newgrounds too! And congrats on being scouted, that should help with visiblity here (a little bit, anyway).
Thank you! Wow I didn't even realise, I need a 101 class on how newgrounds works. XD
He he, I wasn't expecting to see a fanart of Ashley when I logged in tonight! I'm so happy you enjoy the character so much! ; D
Thank you so much for drawing him, and for crediting me!
no problem keep drawing this cute little kobold i mean dragon
Better known as LiquidFrogStudios on DeviantArt. Hobbyist artist and entertainer.
I mostly draw fanart & furry girls right now, but I have a bolder ambition of creating my own multimedia franchise, especially video games.
Artist & Developer
Fully Educated!
Joined on 12/30/20