So cute! : 3
So cute! : 3
Aww... I just want to give her a big fluffy hug!
At least he tried! ; 3
Such a cute and unique pal!
Wow, they frontpaged a sexy artwork? That's a first!
Comic looks awesome, best of luck with it!
That's one BIG dragon!
Aww, don't cry... You are very cute! : 3
Aww, I just now saw this! Thank you so much aaaa- :’3 <3
Oh, this is so pretty! Lovely scenery too!
If only real pugs were this cute!
Better known as LiquidFrogStudios on DeviantArt. Hobbyist artist and entertainer.
I mostly draw fanart & furry girls right now, but I have a bolder ambition of creating my own multimedia franchise, especially video games.
Artist & Developer
Fully Educated!
Joined on 12/30/20