So, I've been on this site a few months now. I started out mostly just using it as a place to archive my old artworks, much of which I removed from DeviantArt, but lately I have been treating this place as a secondary platform for my recent artworks too.
However, I am still far larger and more active on DeviantArt. I'd like to be more active on Newgrounds but... well, I haven't made much of an impact on this community so far. Maybe I don't understand Newgrounds' culture? It is very hard to get noticed, even when scouted. Perhaps things will change with time, but, I dunno...
I'll continue to upload here once every so often (maybe I'll try once every month or two), but if you have a DeviantArt account and like my art, you'd probably be better off checking me out there. If I ever manage to achieve a decent amount of watchers, I'll start taking this place more seriously though.
I am very grateful for the few fans that I do have here mind, so, thanks! If you have any suggestions as to how to get noticed on this site, I'm all ears!